Server Rules
1. Do not join this server to send hate comments. Friendly feedback is allowed in the appropriate channel.
2. Do not beg for anything. A request becomes begging when you persist after the person you're asking said no. It's also considered begging to ask for something and following it with "please," "I really want it" or something of that sort.
3. This is an English server. Please refrain from speaking in other languages unless it's in the regional chat channels.
4. Do not advertise any other Discord servers through DMs or in any channel that is not the designated advertising channel. It is considered advertising when you ask people to join another Discord server with an invite link.
5. Keep messages and images PG-13. Posting pornography (nudes, etc.) or gore will result in an immediate ban.
6. Do not discriminate, taunt, or mock others. The following is not tolerated: hate speeches, racist or sexist messages, harassment, stalking, or threats. Death threats are illegal in the United States and will result in an immediate ban.
7. Plagiarism in the form of images, audio, videos, is strictly forbidden. This includes posting someone else's YouTube video in #videos and claiming it as your own work. If done after being warned, you will receive 2 strikes and a 2 day mute. Further violations will lead to a kick, then a permanent ban.
8. You are not allowed to join the server if you are under 13. This is to comply with Discord ToS.
9. Do not spam in any of the channels.
10. Do not say things that can be religiously or politically offensive. This includes political or religious figures.
11. Respect the purpose of each channel. Images can be used in the chat channels. Do NOT ask for a collab in any of the channels.
12. Do not post emojis, images, memes, or links that are malicious or can induce epileptic seizures. All emojis posted cannot contain rapidly flashing colors, sudden flashy movements, or other things that can trigger seizures for those with photosensitive epilepsy. Posting of malicious links will result in an immediate ban.
13. Do not post large quantities of stuff in a short period of time in any of the Content Showcase channels.
14. Don't minimod. This means taking the responsibility of moderators and trying to do their job for them. An example of this would be telling other members not to do something instead of reporting them to a moderator.
15. Do not impersonate me, bots, or staff members or use characters in your name that break Discord's naming system. This can be confusing to server members and it can also be used for malicious intent. If you have a name or profile pic that breaks this rule, you will be asked to change it. Refusal to do so will result in you getting banned.
Consequences (if not already listed):
Advertising and Offensive Speech: Warning, then 1-2 day mute + 1 strike. For the second strike, mute for 3-4 days.
Racist, sexist, and anti-LGBTQ+ messages: Warning, then 1-2 day mute + 1 strike. For the second strike, mute for 3-4 days.
Stalking: Goodnight forever (ban)
Rule 12 violation: Warning, then mute for 8-10 hours + 1 strike. If this is the second strike, standard protocol proceeds beyond this point. Posting of malicious links will result in a permanent ban.
Slurs of ANY kind: Goodnight forever (ban)
Everything else: 2 warnings, then you get a strike for each offensive thing you do beyond that point.
First strike: 6-12 hour mute.
Second strike: 1-2 day mute.
Third strike: Kick from server.
Final strike: Permanent ban.